Tuesday, February 15, 2005

"I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."

MSNBC - Kissing school teaches the art of locking lips

A woman runs a "kissing school" where people pay $275 for her to teach them tips about kissing for a few hours. Now, don't get me wrong, there have been people in my past who could have used this type of training. People who had attack jackhammer tongues, or were overly slobbery, or just skeeved me out to kiss.

A bad kisser is a deal breaker for me. I love to kiss. I adore it. I'm a kissy kissy kissy person. I love the relationships where you can spend HOURS just kissing. [After all, if the person is going to spend that kind of time kissing - I think of it as a pleasant prelude to finding out what else they care enough to spend time on]. I love the feeling of warm butter coursing through your veins that leaves you feeling as if the ground is moving beneath you the entire next day.

While I assume that I'm decent at kissing - as I've had no complaints [but I suppose this is inherently misleading - as how many people are going to be that painfully honest with you]. But I wonder (while admittedly simultaneously mocking this woman) do other people think of me as the one that was the bad kisser in their past? Do I need to enroll in this class?

Do we all assume that we are good kissers? Have you ever been with someone who was just a horrendously awful kisser?


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