Thursday, February 10, 2005


  1. My favorite color is blue, although I’m quite partial to green, purple and red.
  2. Childhood nicknames have included: Princess, Woody, Strawberry Shortcake; Red; Spot (for my freckles); and Queen Bee.
  3. I have very small hands, my ring size is right about a 4.
  4. I however, am not a size 4 – and I’m o.k. with that. I believe a woman should be curvy.
  5. I have a lot of freckles and I sunburn very easily.
  6. I made my face bleed as a child trying to scrub my freckles off.
  7. I can roll my tongue.
  8. My tongue is abnormally short, the lingual frenulum is attached too far toward the tip. But I can still tie a knot in a cherry stem with it.
  9. I’m allergic to bee stings.
  10. I collect bee themed stationary.
  11. I got an A in my graduate accounting class without ever getting a single problem completely correct.
  12. I’m an excellent cook.
  13. I used to play cello, but I smashed the bridge post with my head through the back of the cello – leaving a giant hole.
  14. I don’t remember how to read music anymore.
  15. I’ve willingly eaten rattlesnake, rabbit, shark, and alligator.
  16. Sadly, I don’t know how to rollerskate.
  17. I’ve always wanted to go ice skating at Rockefeller Center at Christmas.
  18. I’ve helped to butcher a deer.
  19. I could never kill one.
  20. But, I love to fish.
  21. At nineteen, my hair suddenly started getting curly.
  22. While I don’t believe in astrology, those who know me say my sign (Cancer) is pretty accurate.
  23. I love to dance.
  24. I took years of tap, ballet and jazz lessons.
  25. I would love to be brave enough to try to make a living as an artist.
  26. While I love watching football – I don’t know how to throw one.
  27. I am incredibly ticklish.
  28. My first car was a hideously ugly 1989 Ford Escort with pinstripes and a sun roof that my great aunt bought me. It got great gas mileage though.
  29. I bought a standard truck without having a clue how to drive it.
  30. I learned quickly. Aside from getting out and kicking it once in the middle of the street when I stalled it at a red light.
  31. I can speed read.
  32. I have three dimples when I smile.
  33. I fully believe well done steaks are sacrilege. If I wanted to eat a hockey puck I would. As long as it’s not still mooing – I’m o.k.
  34. I’ve never had a cavity.
  35. I’d say I’m a horrible procrastinator, but I can do that later.
  36. I’ve always wanted to learn how to fly a plane, and to knit.
  37. I used to make beautiful quilt tops.
  38. I’ve had my heart broken because of my own stupidity.
  39. I am really good at wrapping presents.
  40. I hate to shop.
  41. My mother was afraid I would grow up and be an arsonist. I used to torch all of my toys in my Easy Bake Oven. Burning barbie heads really stink by the way.
  42. I can twirl a baton.
  43. I love legos and lite brights.
  44. I always wanted a toy train set for Christmas.
  45. I hate reality t.v. shows.
  46. I’ve had brain surgery.
  47. I’ve been in a drug induced coma.
  48. Both happened when I was two months old and the nurse was supposed to give sedatives to my mother to calm her down, and instead gave them to me.
  49. My parents were told I would grow up to be severely retarded.
  50. I had a B.B.A., M.B.A., and J.D. by the time I was 23.
  51. I used to have over 180 pairs of shoes, but now I have maybe 10.
  52. I have very pretty eyes.
  53. I also have pretty lips.
  54. I’m very pale. My skin is almost translucent.
  55. I eat tomatoes the way other people eat apples.
  56. When I eat an apple I even eat the core.
  57. I was raised Southern Baptist.
  58. I was Lutheran in college.
  59. Now I don’t really identify with any organized church.
  60. I still consider myself to be a spiritual being though.
  61. I feel closest to God outside, but I love stained glass windows.
  62. My shoe size is a 7 ½ or 8.
  63. I am the ‘classic’ hourglass shape. I have a 12 inch difference in my waist and my hips and my chest. It’s very difficult for me to find clothes that fit.
  64. My first concert was Jon Bon Jovi. I was in third grade – and he said he was going to “play Bad Medicine” for that little girl and pointed at me. I thought I was so cool. Shut up. I was in third grade.
  65. My family’s heritage is German, Irish and Native American.
  66. I hate cigarette smoke.
  67. In elementary school I had a pen pal from Australia who I thought I would grow up and marry and live in the Outback and raise kangaroos with.
  68. I jello wrestled in college. But no one who knew me then would believe it.
  69. I love crystal, china, good linens and nice things for my home.
  70. I buy way too much food. I think it’s an innate fear of going hungry again.
  71. I’ve woken up with a tarantula crawling on my face.
  72. I love baseball, but only if I’m at a game. Watching on t.v. is excruciatingly boring.
  73. Ketchup is disgusting. When I eat french fries (rarely) I eat them with barbeque sauce or mustard. And I like fries burned and a little soggy.
  74. I have an amazing sense of smell, and remember times, places and people by their scent.
  75. I’ve had chicken pox about six times.
  76. I love blues and jazz.
  77. I’ve been in a number of plays and musicals. My favorite part was that of Kimberly Bergalis in Patient A by Lee Blessing.
  78. I crowd surfed in a mosh pit.
  79. I’m incredibly shy and assertive at the same time.
  80. I love really spicy food – thai, indian, mexican, creole, etc.
  81. Because of the movie “Cats Eye” I was always afraid to sleep with my closet doors open at night.
  82. I would love to have someone wash my hair on a daily basis.
  83. I’ve seen ghosts before, but I’m not sure that I believe in them.
  84. But everyone I know says my house is haunted - by a three year old boy.
  85. I like to sleep nude. But I hate for anyone to see me unclothed.
  86. I would love to be brave enough to do a striptease.
  87. But I adore lingerie – and wear it for myself.
  88. I love going camping but haven’t been in probably ten years.
  89. I’ve carried the same $2 bill in my wallet for the last fourteen years.
  90. I had five pet snakes that got loose in the house when I was in 5th grade. We never found them.
  91. More than anything else in life, I want to be a good mother someday.
  92. I’m amazingly good at trivial pursuit.
  93. My left eye is slightly stronger than my right.
  94. I started wearing glasses in graduate school, and switched to contacts in law school.
  95. I’ve only mowed a yard one time. I don’t even know how to start a lawn mower.
  96. I’ve changed my own oil though.
  97. I’m an amazing shot with a rifle, but guns freak me out.
  98. I used to sleep with a butcher knife between my mattress and box springs.
  99. My second toe is longer than my first.
  100. I still love to color in coloring books.


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