Monday, August 22, 2005

Bad juju

Apparently I am bad luck to my newly adopted teams.

Saturday, we went to a football game - and wow is it different here. People actually cared about a preseason game. The fans had decorated buses, vans and even a HEARSE. A hearse decked out in red and gold ... it was unbelievable. The starters played well, but by the second half when it was largely third and fourth stringers on the field it started to be a waste of time. We left at the end of the third quarter, but still had a good time even though the Cardinals summarily kicked their rear.

And boulevard unfiltered wheat is on tap at the game. Fantastic.

Yesterday we left the house around 7:30 a.m. to drive to St. Louis for the game. Once again - wow was it different than Miami. The fans were pretty polite (aside from the drunk 21 year old in front of us with his underage girlfriend), but sweet mother was it hot & humid.

As we were going to get something to eat at the game, my heart was torn into thousands of pieces.

There was a young marine watching the game, who at most was 22. He was unbelievably gorgeous - chiseled features and the most stunning crystal blue eyes. His gaze was stern - focused. Both of his legs were gone, amputated above the knees. I started crying... for him, for the ones who can't come home to their spouses and parents, for the children who will grow up without them, for the ones who will come home to find that their sacrifice was far greater than they signed up for. I wept for all of them.

This isn't right. We shouldn't be there. I am strongly against the war because I support our troops, not because I'm unpatriotic. Bring them home. NOW.


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