Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm here!!!

My new townhouse shares a narrow common driveway with three other townhouses that opens up in the back to a four car garage. From the front of the driveway, there are maybe two or three steps to the right up a small hill, and then a sidewalk leads to my door. There is, er was, a wrought iron guardrail up the side of the stairs. Granted, it wasn't incredibly secure, but it would have come in handy during the winter when the sidewalk will be an icefest.

Yesterday, a white van whipped back into the driveway and promptly plowed over the guardrail. The driver was backing up with such velocity that the guardrail went flying a good ten feet and smacked the side of the house with enough force to shatter a few bricks. The guardrail was around three feet higher than the driveway, so I'm still not really sure how it happened. The windows in the house were open, and the driver of the van hung his head out of the window and sang "I'm HERE!" in the most stereotypically gay voice you could imagine to no one in particular.

I was utterly speechless. It was so ridiculous I was beside myself with laughter. I bet it scared the bejesus out of the poor chipmunks that live under the porch.


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