Friday, August 12, 2005


This morning, when the alarm went off the room was strangely dark. Then there was a booming crack of thunder and the heavens opened and the rain came down in sheets.

It smells wonderful outside. I had forgotten what the rain smells like mingled with cut grass - how warm and comforting it is. Some of my fondest memories were the summer that I lived in the coed dorm on campus, and we would all sit outside the front porch watching the thunderstorms - the sky a murky purple with tongues of lightening. It never smelled like that in S. Fla. when it rained, maybe because of the ocean? But it smells like it here, and it's wonderful...

It's taking all I have not to go outside and just sit there, watching the clouds rumble in.

Rainy days should be spent snuggled under a thick antique quilt with a steaming mug of cocoa or hot tea tinged with honey, listening to the rain on the windowpane and reading a good book.


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