Thursday, August 11, 2005

Look Ma - a Cavity!

In 26 years, I have never managed to have a cavity in my teeth. Given that we were so poor growing up that I rarely went to the dentist, that's somewhat of a miracle. The only problem I ever had was my wisdom teeth were impacted, and I had to have them surgically excised in law school. My dentists always raved about how strong my teeth were.

The last time I went to the dentist, I complained that when I bit down hard that sometimes my teeth would sort of stick together - like I had a piece of hard candy between them. The masochistic dental hygenist told me that I had a spot of enamel that was 'a bit soft' on one of my bottom molars, but that it shouldn't be an issue. This morning I stopped for a drink at Sonic (can I tell you how excited I am that they have Sonics here?!?!?!) and as I took a swig horrible pain shot through my mouth and that tooth just throbbed.
I think I have a cavity. I just elected not to get dental insurance through work. I am not particularly pleased.


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