Monday, August 15, 2005

Alms for a former leper...

I got an e-mail yesterday that disturbed me somewhat. Technically we still are under a lease in Florida, that was to be bought out by my new employer, so we are arguably still under the terms of the contract. We have a roughly $3,000 deposit that I am waiting to have returned to us on it as well.

My ex (er, whatever) landlord sent us an e-mail requesting a donation on her behalf for a charity. Now, I tend to be a rather generous person, and I spend a great deal of money on charity. Charity that I approve. I don't like being pressured for $$ from someone who has power over me, or who I might slight if I don't donate. If it was a friend or a family member, I would feel differently I think. But someone I don't socialize with, and who knows me only tangentially? Hmm.

My last boss used to ask for rather large donations to his favorite charity every year, and I felt it was inappropriate to NOT donate.

Charity should come from the heart, not from a desire to get your full deposit back, or to keep your job.


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