Thursday, August 18, 2005

Theory and Practice

Now that I live somewhere that actually has seasons, I'm excited about purchasing real fall clothes. I'm horribly allergic to wool, which just means I get to splurge more on cashmere and other luxury items. Well, as much as my budget will allow - so probably more synthetics than cashmere, but hey - a girl can dream.

As I was shopping online today, I was looking at the fall trend report on a couple of sites. I'm not typically a fashionista, but I love the deep earthy and jewel tones, the rich tweeds, leather, suede and the pleated plaid school girl skirts and soft knit sweaters that to me evoke memories of "back to school" (odd - considering that I grew up in Texas where back to school in August certainly did not mean any of those things), football, and leaves changing (which also didn't really happen in Texas - but I'm able to manufacture mass produced memories from advertising damn it).

As I've gotten older, I've learned to buy clothing and shoes that I truly love, not just that looks good or is on sale. I've become very picky about what's comfortable and refuse to wear something that's trendy just for the sake of fitting in. I may not be on the cusp of what others have determined is "in style" but I have a pretty signature style of my own.

I prefer quality, tailored pieces that are going to last and that will fit me well. Other than a few select places, I couldn't imagine buying clothes without first trying them on - measuring tapes be damned. The designers of women's clothes are insane. I could wear anything from a 4 to an 18 depending on who the designer is - and how the item's cut. While a "true" 7 1/2 - 8 size shoe, I've worn anything from a 6 to a 9 1/2 depending on the shoe. So while buying online certainly opens up a plethora of options - who really can? I don't understand. Are there legions of women out there who are able to simply throw on any piece of clothing and have it fit beautifully?

A lot of places were coupling longish tweed wool skirts with fishnets, and I love fishnet tights. Very retro styled (which I heart something fierce). And I've bought them for myself a time or two, but I can never bring myself to wear them. Once they're on, I feel like other people look at me like I'm a street walker. I'm just not comfortable enough in them to do it.

But we'll see. I feel a little braver than usual...


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