I'm not a real girly girl (ironic that I say that considering that I'm wearing a bright pink skirt, a cashmere black seater, a diamond brooch and a ribbon belt that matches the skirt with a pair of strappy black sandals) but I spent a few hours - and I won't even mention how much $$ saying my goodbyes to Sephora over the weekend. Yes, I realize that it's possible to order online - but it's not the same. It really isn't. I played will all sorts of pretty sparkly things and came home with a random bunch of stuff (Benefit's Bathina shaving cream which my Sephora no longer stocks but just happened to have some in the back - it's heaven. I've been using it for a year and it's w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l., some Cargo bronzer, some Sephora eye makeup remover, a new compact, blah blah blah.)
I'll miss my local Sephora although I have to admit that I wasn't as in love with the one in Paris like I thought I would be. The closest one to where we'll be is outside St. Louis, or Dallas.
I'm trying to say my goodbyes to a lot of places.
Last night we went to the little hole in the wall Cuban restaurant that I love. A giant piece of grilled snapper piled high with onions and lime served with black beans that are like velvet and rice and fried plantains for $9.95. Heavenly delicious.
I'm also trying to say my goodbyes to a lot of people too, something I've never been good at or comfortable with. I have a ton of acquaintances here, but no true friends to speak of. I can probably count on one hand how many "real" friends I've had in my life - the ones that no matter how many miles or years pass, we can still pick up right where we left off. The ones whose smiles are forever etched onto my heart. In a way, it's sad that I don't have someone here like that to say goodbye to. But then again, I'm grateful, because I'm much more the type of person who just slips away undetected.
A lot of "friends" from law school want to get together before I leave... but I just don't feel into it. It feels contrived - I mean we haven't been keeping up with each other for the last two years, so why should my departure have a last hurrah?