Monday, February 21, 2005

Head in the clouds

Tis morning I decided that I wanted a new tablecloth, so I set out to see what I could find. In my defense, my kitchen is painted pumpkin orange and I needed something to match my dishes (Fiestaware - various colors) and my only criteria was that the tablecloth couldn't be white. So with that in mind, how did I end up coming home after being gone for four hours with:
- Petunias;
- A giant foxglove plant;
- Snapdragons;
- A centerpiece for the table of creamy peonies;
- A new pink, white and black string bikini;
- Grapefruit flavored IZZE soda;
- Yellow paper lanterns for the porch; and
- Three bottles of pink nail polish ?!?!?!?

There's a roast in the oven, which has been slow cooking all day - and it smells so good. I've got homemade bread dough rising - and am looking forward to entertaining tonight even if I don't have a new tablecloth.


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