Thursday, January 27, 2005

So tired.

Last night, I could have actually slept comfortably all through the night. I was so exhausted.

But I'm having guests in from out of state this weekend, and if there's one thing I am - it's anal retentive about cleaning when guests are coming. My house is generally clean, just cluttered. I just have too much stuff to fit in my tiny little house.

They were supposed to be here tomorrow. I called yesterday a.m. to confirm their itinerary, and didn't hear back. Finally on my drive home yesterday at around 7:30, I get a call - they were so excited about coming that they are going to be here this a.m. I wasn't planning on doing most of the cleaning until tonight.

Um, what the hell?

So I was up almost all night long cleaning. I fell asleep this morning in a pile of clean laundry that I was folding on the couch.

I would never ever do this to someone. EVER. It's just rude. I wouldn't even come over unannounced to my parents' house.

I finally said screw it and drove to work. On the way to work they called and said they're going to drop off their stuff at the house and then drive to spend the night with some friends who live about an hour and a half away.

I left a key under the front mat for them. I hope that I remembered to put the whips and chains away....

C'est la vie.

A week from now I will be on a plane headed to Mardi Gras. None of this will matter.


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