Sunday, January 23, 2005

Not enough.

I need to add about sixty hours to today in order to get everything I need to done. Aren't weekends supposed to be for relaxation? There's a cold front coming in today - and the weather may actually get down into the low 40s - as a HIGH tomorrow. That's unheard of here. In my four years as a Floridian, I don't remember it ever being that cold. And yes, I realize in the grand scheme of things, it's not really cold. But you get used to the constant 70-80 degree weather. You get used to not owning a coat. I gave away most of my sweaters when I moved here. My best friend's lives about three blocks away and her house doesn't even have heat in it, which is actually pretty typical in my neighborhood.

Yesterday I cleaned house so I could lounge around on the beach or go fishing in the everglades today. And of course, today it's grey and overcast.

Sigh. Why can't I just make time stand still for a little while?

I slept hard last night - aside from the crazy dreams about a hockey awards ceremony and people I haven't seen in years. I slept a good ten hours or more and yet, I think it only made me more tired.

I feel hollow today - disconnected from my life - almost as if I am going through the motions but not really here.

I think I need to go get some more coffee.


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