Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I didn't get home from the gym last night until around 11. A lot of times, the only way that I can kick an ongoing bout of insomnia is to physically exhaust myself. My best friend joined my gym yesterday, and she and I are incredibly competitive. No surprise considering that she actually dated my husband (quite seriously) before I met either of them. But that's a whole different drama. And trust me, DRAMA it is.

She was on the treadmill next to me and everytime I upped the speed, she upped hers just a little more. This pattern went on all night - the elliptical, the cross ramp, the stair stepper, etc. but it was good for me in a way.

Standing in the shower with the water cranked as hot as it would go, I rested my head against the cool tile and fell asleep. Wonderful sweet sleep, made only slightly problematic by the fact that well - I was in the shower.

Throwing my wet hair into a ponytail I vaguely remember drying off and slipping into bed confident that I would be able to sleep soundly all night.

The streetlamp at the edge of the front yard shines through the wooden blinds, smattering the deep bluebonnet hued walls with dusky yellow light. Even in the middle of the night I can still plainly make out the jagged edges of the dresser and the transparent perfume bottles on their silver tray.

My house is old, the bedroom windows archaic contraptions that crank open in three panels. There are no screens but sometimes I open them in the winter, letting the cool breeze in. The cold spell that hit this past weekend made me close them.

At about 2:30 - it sounded as if someone was trying to break into the window directly over my headboard. I woke up instantly, my body racked with fear when I realized it was so dark that I literally couldn't see my hand before my face. The heavy damask curtains I bought this weekend were blocking out so much light. M. peeked out the window and said all was well. He rolled over and started snoring immediately. Go back to sleep he muttered.

I slipped out of bed and turned on all the lights in the house. By this time I was shaking - from nerves and cold. I turned the heater on and curled up on the couch trying to calm the incessant pounding in my chest.

At about 4 I finally went to bed. I laid there, mulling over assundried fears and regrets that one is only comfortable confronting in the deep of night. Clutching my pillow tightly, I drifted off around 5:30. At 6:30 the alarm went off. Then at 6:39, then 6:48. It's piercing wail interrupted the dream I was having. A pity really.

I had to meet a client for breakfast at 7:30. I had to get up.

Sighing, I threw the duvet off and plopped my feet down on the hardwood floor and promptly cut my foot on a sliver of glass.

Twenty bucks says I don't sleep tonight.


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