Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I've made passing reference to it in the past, but I want to bring it up because it's important to me.

When I was 11, I was being raised on a temporary basis by my great grandparents. My Pa-Paw was a mechanic with a sixth grade education and was essentially the sole breadwinner of the household. He passed away suddenly of advanced lymphoma with no savings, no insurance, nothing but around $1,000 in the checking account. We spiraled down in a matter of days from poor to I take it there will be no side items with our waffles tonight poor.

That Christmas, people who I had never met donated things so that we could have a "normal" Christmas. I got clothes, toys, jewelry from people who knew nothing more than my name. We survived the next few years on food stamps and church handouts. And every year, we spent our Christmas eve delivering food baskets to others because we knew what it was like to be hungry.

My experiences pale with what the people suffering from the Hurricane are going through. For those that were insured, the losses may be redeemed in part - but that will not replace family heirlooms, it will not put Shannon's graduation pictures and Aunt Meredith's antique christening gown back in their homes.

My concern though, is for those that weren't insured. Who, like us, were making it paycheck to paycheck when their world literally washed away. Those who no longer have even the luxury of a roof over their head or food to eat.

You may ask if you can be sure that your donations will go to someone who can use it... who will appreciate it. I can't obviously guarantee that, but I know that in my heart I'm greatful for everything that people did to help me out. To show me that there was hope, that there was a splinter of good left in the world.

My employer is matching all employee contributions to the Red Cross. I don't know who - or to what you would be comfortable donating money to, but I ask that you dig deep. And look at your life and see how lucky you really are. And remember, it could have happened to any of us.

Pay it forward.


Blogger Ms. Pants said...

I tend to stick with "thing" donations over money donations because I know that "thing" donations will go to someone who can use them. Perhaps the ridiculous amount of soap and shampoo I am dropping off won't all go to refugees from the storm, but someone out there who needed shampoo and soap will get it. I'm not gonna be picky about who I help, I guess.

Money is always tight for me--I'm a paycheck-to-paycheck girl as well. I do better than some because I'm single, but I've got a lot of "things" in my house that I can give up to others a lot more easily than the money I'm trying to spread out to all the bill dudes. But you're right. Forward, forward, forward.

I'm surprised at how much Houston has pulled together to help. I don't know why I'm so surprised; the jaded bitch in me maybe. But it really melts my icy heart.

2:45 PM, September 04, 2005  

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