Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Eye of the storm

It appears that crisis has been averted, and if only a temporary reprieve, I'm thankful.

Apparently the first calls that I got from home were a bit exaggerated and emotionally dramatic. There was no actual act, but rather just a pretty serious threat of action. But given her history, this isn't the type of threat that you brush aside. And it's still something that must be addressed and help that must be received for.

I'm not coming back tonight. Maybe that makes me a bad person, a horrible daughter. I don't know. I can't do anything to help tonight even if I was there and she doesn't want to see me. I feel so helpless.

I said something about it to a friend at work today - and she was like - what the hell is wrong with you - go home. But you see, this is the only way I am holding onto any semblance of sanity - is by being here at work. Forcing myself to stay calm. Maybe this isn't the best thing to do but it's all I can do or else I will collapse.

She's being cared for by family and I know she's in good hands. Treatment is being arranged, by me from here, and trust me, I have never been more thankful to be an attorney than I have been today.

But please, tell your loved ones that you care about them. Tell them how special and important they are. And if you're willing, light a candle for us, say a little prayer on my family's behalf, anything would be appreciated.

We're just trying to take it minute by minute, because in reality that's all we can do.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said...

You are in my thoughts.

10:04 AM, March 03, 2005  

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