Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Never underestimate the little guy

Our street is lined with tall stately oaks that must be around thirty to forty feet high. Every morning and evening a plethora of squirrels scurry between the yards, stuffing acorns away for the winter. Yesterday morning when I went outside, there was a group of five squirrels or so in one patch of the yard that were foraging for acorns.

As I opened the front door, I startled them and they stood up on their haunches, their stash held in their front paws. As the door slammed behind me, one large squirrel dropped the acorn he was holding, and a chipmunk who was under the porch ran out and took it while the squirrel stood frozen. The chipmunk stopped a few yards away from the group of squirrels and chirped, something that I can only imagine is the chipmunspeak equivalent of "take that suckaaas!" and he took off up the downspout.

The 'robbed' squirrel who was easily three times larger than the chipmunk looked dumfounded and vocalized a rather angry sounding noise.

I couldn't help but laugh.


Blogger Ms. Pants said...

Bwhahaha!!! I can see this tiny little squirrel fist shaking in midair to the tune of some squeaking.

2:52 PM, September 13, 2005  

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