Thursday, June 23, 2005

Italian does not mean deaf.

In my other office, there is an attorney visiting from Italy who sits in the office next to me. His English is, while heavily accented (all the better for me - I have a thing for any man with an accent - and a special fondness for Italian men*) is impeccable. There is a partner who is working with him who is convinced he must be deaf. She practically screams in his ears each time she talks to him. I can only imagine how this must grate on his nerves.

He's not going to understand you any better if you're just louder.

It's ridiculous, and yet - when we were in France and 'Dam we noticed so many Americans doing this. Straining their voices to the upper limit to make themselves (in their minds) clearer.

I want to point out to her that she's making an ass of herself. I mean, what are they going to do - fire me?

*A few years ago, I briefly, but simultaenously dated three men named Anthony Joseph Italianlastnamio- none of who knew about the other. My husband, who was just a friend then - however, did know at the time - and thought it was hilarious. Ehhhh- it definitely made slip ups of names easier to deal with.


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